StigmaticWarfare ✞                           1 of less than 700 Catholic stigmatists

StigmaticWarfare ✞                           1 of less than 700 Catholic stigmatists


Human Rights

Kristy Sprague-Hubert (my Mother) with Australia and New Zealand (Australasia and part of the British Commonwealth) chief diplomat to the United Nations, UN, 1971
Kristy Sprague-Hubert (my Mother) with Australia and New Zealand (Australasia and part of the British Commonwealth) chief diplomat to the United Nations, UN, 1971
Heal and Build
Heal and Build


The Human Rights section of StigmaticWarfare will be added overtime, and it is based on existing popular Christian organizations and more. The process of succeeding with human rights work are humility and more-grace, and it involves depending on highly qualified individuals and organizations.

The general solutions are training (modern solutions), org building (modern solutions), and orgs' improvement. Essential factors are highly advanced Christian scholarship, recovery from brainwashing, and specialized research.

What Prolife organizations to start?

The Abortion Survivors Network

Prolife Topics' Orgs:

Forced taxation



Perverted sexuality






Drunkenness and drugs

Toxic-diets and pesticides

Possible food additive toxins


High speed roads

EMF and RF such as high voltage power-lines, cell towers, etc

Dangerous and/or rivalry sports, etc


death penalty

nuclear weapons


Police state






Secret of Sainthood
Secret of Sainthood


Basically, there are massive anti-life orgs, massive amounts of anti-life supporters, and deeply embedded corruption issues. It is important to realize many governments' throughout the world were possibly influenced and/or built by the majority of society. Meaning many systems installed within society at the CORE are possibly heretical in nature (the New Testament Narrow Gate teaching [the majority of people never convert to Christianity]). New Testament material actually rejects government based court systems, prosecutions, jails, violence, and forced-taxation, too.

I think what's ultra likely happening is somewhat Prolife people and somewhat Prolife orgs are likely integrating into government ideology and/or governments including non morally survivable governments' positions, election positions, political positions, legalistic positions, legislative positions, court positions, executive positions, and potentially more; and I think many of them or all of them are ultra likely getting caught up in ignoring, distorting, and/or only partially using, teachings of Christ. They may appear Prolife and Christian to some extent, but I think many of them and/or their orgs are probably getting lead astray via subtle and/or more-obvious issues.

The primary major failure of the Prolife movement that I ultra likely have recognized is bias trends in regards to support for human dignity and who gets mercy. Where some human life is potentially valued and other human life is potentially treated as less valuable or even abandoned including about unborn babies and anti-life people in need of recovery. I think the devil's ultra likely in subtle details many times.