Miraculous Saints
![There are more documented cases of Mary appearing in Egypt after 1971. Photo is courtesy of zeitun-eg.org – 1968 to 1971 Zeitun, Egypt.](images/th/sd_5fb23d2b68312.jpg?no_cache=1605520187)
Estimated 40,000,000 Witnesses
Apparitions of Mary the Mother of the Christ
Reform and baptized to remission of sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
See, hear, and understand in the heart, to receive healing (conscience correction).
Renunciations and Prayers
Confess sins to one another and pray for one another, to receive healing.
Commandments to Manifest Christ and Body-and-Blood for Christ to Dwell
Christ remains in people who obey his commandments; required to retain and follow the commandments for Christ to manifest his presence. People who do not eat the body and blood of Christ have no life inside of them; eating the body and blood of Christ causes Christ to dwell in the person.
Remain in Teachings and Body-and-Blood for Miracles
You need to remain in the teachings of Christ and remain in him with the body and blood of Christ to acquire miracles. If you follow the teachings of Christ, the body and blood of Christ cleanses all of your sins; forgiveness of sin includes’ the ability to obtain physical miracles.
God Listens to the Devout and Praise People
God only listens to people who obey the Christian commandments and worship him.